Texas ROC Open Championship

Hey ya fellas!!!! So as you loyal listeners of Nerd Thug Radio know we love the game of Heroclix! Last weekend (August 5th, 2017) our sponsor Space Cadets Gaming Gaming hosted the ROC Texas Championship and Nico DLG and myself competed.

There was a total of 28 players who filled the store to compete for the title of Texas Champion which included some very talented players including National Champion Dustin Seeders. Theam Ragnarok was in full swing led by Paris Gordon and fellow members: Mike Hoffman, Mike Hawkins, Luc Nyugen,  Phil Moore, Elliot Henson and William Gordon. W had some boys from Austin and Beaumont show up and the Laredo guys led by Joe Gutierrez (former Texas Champ)

We encountered a diverse field of teams but Jakeem Thunder teams by far ruled the roost. The Shredder team build looked to take second most popular and the Peace Machine was everyone like a hippie spreading joy. Check out facebook.com/nerdthugradio to see the top 8 builds from the event.

Let's get into my team and how it fared.

SFSM 054 Devil Dinosaur - 100
SFSM 029 Overdrive - 35
WI 040r Goblin King - 75
SMWW 055P Eclipso - 25 (Goblin King)
WI G001p Ameridroid - 15
SMWW G001p Atom - 15
Justice League Teleporter - 5
SHIELD Lvl 7 - 5
Bucky Barnes - 5
Green Arrow - 5
Wonder Woman - 5
Superman - 5
John Jones - 5

Total: 300

The idea here is to pop pogs out with Devil D and send them across the board with Overdrive and force my opponent to deal with 0 point pogs. I then retaliate with Ameridroid and with his special I throw him to my side of the board where Devil D and Gobby K can go to town. It tested very well but come game day I finshed 2-3.

My first match up was against one of the guys from Austin, TX and he ran:

Shredder Clone w/ Ressurection
Mini Shredder
Nighthawk Prime
SR Green Lantern from JW
Atom as a retaliator
2 ID cards i believe.

This match up I knew going in would be the hardest with the Shredders having the ability to come back to life and it started off just how I anticipated and we were soon in the heat of battle. He came forward damaged my pogs and I retaliated and isolated Mini Shredder on my side and we went to work. The key for my opponent was his Nighthawk Prime limiting my ability to increase my stats. When the dust settled I lost 300-25 but I had ripped through Mini Shredder once and had him on his last click and was working through Clone Shredder and GL was on his last click as well.

Round 2: I played daerdeletravoh from HcRealms and he played:

KC GL at 170
Nighhawk Prime
Renet Tilley from TMNT2
And a Symbiote that I equipped to GL.
My opponent took two turns to equip the symbiote to KC GL and that gave me enough time to get a set of pogs all the way across the board and take out Renet Tilley and Nighthawk Prime by turn 3 and from that point on it was cat and mouse with KC GL and i took the win 115-30 i believe.

Round 3: I played Sgrubbs123 from HcRealms and Austin, TX and by far was my favorite team build of the day.

Invisible Plane - 95
KC WonderWoman-140
Haha Joker - 30
The Atom - 15
Symbiote - 6
Shield Level 7 (Balls of Fury/Hawkbro) - 5
Spider-Man ID(Cosmic Spidey) - 5
Wonder Woman piloted the jet (which has 14 hypersonic and precision strike) giving it willpower, and a 13 attack with 4 range and also borrowing her super strength when needed. Also you couldn't target it unless you were 5 squares away, when I hit with range attacks I could choose whether or not you could make close/range attacks or be moved/placed.

Plane would call in cosmic spider/hawbro (if I chose him) if needed, and if I chose balls of fury he was a late game call-in.

When the jet would take too much damage I would eject WW and come out swinging!

Joker with symbiotic was doing his thing and being stupid annoying.

Atom - Retaliating
Our match was so close and I was in the lead until the next to last round when he tagged my Goblin King that put him up by 30 points. I had one last chance to kill Wonder Woman that would of take a miracle but that didn't happen and I fell short.

Round 4: I played Mike Hawkins from Ragnarok and as long as we have known each other I have never sat across the table from him.

Jakeem Thunder
Rat King
Pym Pocket Tank
ID cards

We traded blows back and forth and he killed one of my ID characters and the big problem is I could never get to the other side of the board to go head to head with Jakeem. It was a fun match up that was pretty close but he won in the end by less than 100 points

Round 5: At this point I was playing for fun and I ran up against another Shredder build but this time everything fell in the right place and I took the match 300-50.

I really like the way my team ran and at first I was disappointed but looking back I can tweak my squad and make it more effective.

As for the finals big congrats to the friendly rival of Nerd Thug Radio which is Ragnarok for putting 4 guys in the top 8 and for Luc Nyugen for getting to the finals with a non Jakeem team. Big congrats to Drew Warren for taking home the title with his Jakeem/Mxy team.

We recorded all rounds of this event so check out Nerd Thug Radio on YouTube to see those matches and an interview with Drew our champ. As I mentioned head over to facebook and see the builds for top 8.


until next time clixers


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